Monday, 5 February 2007

Cathkin Says No To Bullying

Some of you are worried about being bullied, please don't worry about this. All of the teachers and staff in Cathkin High School work together to make sure that Cathkin is a Bully Free Zone.

Relax, you will be well looked after.


wee kayleigh mac xx said...

I was scared of coming up to Cathkin in case I got lost or that I would'nt fit in with the others and when people said that you got your head put down the toilet but now I know that does'nt happen my advice is just be yourself and do not worry because everything is going to be ok :)
Cathkin High is realy cool all the teachers are the best and we are getting a new building so we will all be in a new school which will be great . :) xxx it is so much better because you don't have the same teachers everyday so that is better ,you also get diffrent sujects every 55 minuets . xxx

serena said...

HI I was scared comming up to Cathkin but there is no need to be scared because u make friends easy and you get used to the school so you don't get lost and you get some rellay nice teachers to and and you get different teachers and some fun subjects sono needto be scared or worried.