Thursday, 1 February 2007

Introducing the new 7Ups Blog site...

Hello primary sevens and welcome to the fab new 7ups blog page.
This page has been specially designed for you to keep in contact with me so that I can answer any questions you might have about going up to high school.

Primary seven is a fantastic year and we will be working on lots of different exciting projects together like the 7ups magazine and 7ups science stuff but it is also a time of change when you are moving on up to secondary school and moving from the familiar into the un-familiar.
Don't worry, It is my job to make sure you make a happy and successful transition and I will do my best for each and everyone one of you.

You, your friends and parents/carers can leave your comments here and I will do my best to answer them. You don't have to leave your real name if you don't want to....

I look forward to hearing from you.

Mrs J Cox (p6-S2 Raising achievement co-ordinator)


kieran said...

cant wait looking forward to it :)

kieran said...

SCIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

BUT NOT SO MUCH maths AND homework

kieran said...

yay for cathkin

Molly 2k7 said...

I am going 2 udingston and my friends are going to cathkin i am woried incase i dont make any new friends. I am looking forward to all of the different subjects and I am really ejoying the 7ups science stuff. x

white lighting said...

science iz awright

verdf said...
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wee aido d(-_-)b said...

hi all im looking forward tae cummin up tae cathkin big YIPPEE fur cathkin lol :)

fae aido

Midnight_ Horse said...

Can't wait sounds cool!:) Not too sure about homework though:(

wee deano mick said...

when you get 2 Cathkin does someone show u around?I can't wait 2 dae science so a cin blow stuff up!

Kat said...

Hello I'm looking forward to art and P.E but I don't want to do maths and homework =( Other than that I'll like it!


Midnight_ Horse said...
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white lighting said...
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luceee. said...

i am looking forward to coming up to Cathkin but im a bit worried i might get lost because its so big! The 7Ups science stuff is good, i hope we get the boxes home soon. I will miss my friends who are going to different schools though, i hope they make lots of new friends too.

verdf said...
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kieran said...

hope im ok up at cathkin hope i can make it by first year im worried if i dont make it : ¬ (


Animallover1579 said...
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wee-steph said...

im really excited about coming up to cathkin i cant wait and were still with all our friends which is good

The subjects im looking forward to are p.e science Art.

im not to sure if i will be able to find my way around the school

♥ stephx

lauren 2k7 said...

i am looking foward 2 it but i am scared i am not going 2 make any new friends becouse ma friends that r going might be in a diffrent house from me i am worried i will get lost becouse its huge i hope it istnt as bad as i think. i hope my friend molly is ok becouse she might not make any new friends but she will becouse she is realy friendly and i hope ahe dus well in udingston.:)xxx

wee-ema said...

im looking forward to coming up to cathkin because all my friends are going to cathkin aswell so thats great:)

the subjects im looking forward to is science and p.e and art

i might not be able to find my way about the school

w33 biscit d(-_-)b said...

cant wait to start playing football for the first year team

claire. H said...

I am coming to cathkin later in the year but I dont really know how to get to all the different classes! big smiles
from claire.H xxxxxx

Kat said...


Me again... I might get lost!!! WAAAAA

wee aido d(-_-)b said...


white lighting said...

hi lookin forward 2 cafkin "o"

wee deano mick said...

a hope a dont git lost!

cameron said...

i am looking forward to science in cathkin but i might get lost

wee div said...

I hope I dont get lost in the school.But I am looking forward to it.

luceee. said...

How much HOMEWORK will we get?!?!?!? AAH!

lauren 2k7 said...

im scared al get bullied !!!!!!!!!


white lighting said...

(\ /) hi lookin frward 2 cafkin

NOPTER said...
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weeducie said...

am no goin up to cathkin but i haerd its gettin a new building

2k7 stamo 2k7 said...
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the little man said...
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mannythecool said...

so cool

2k7 stamo 2k7 said...

is the new cathkin gony b no as big

mannythecool said...

hi. going to cathkin. so excited

weeducie said...

i think the science looks good lol and a heard the homeworks not that good


wee gram said...
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Anonymous said...

am looking forward to cathkin and cant wait to try and get into the football and rugby team. i am looking forward to the science aswell

mannythecool said...

hi stamo

the little man said...

i cant wait till the new cathkin is built because the old ones not that gooooood

2k7 stamo 2k7 said...

the old bildin is pure folin apart

weeducie said...


Wee H4 said...

i am lookin forward to come to Cathkin because most of my best friend are coming

the little man said...

hi jamie its matt

wee kyle said...

looking forward to more p.e. it's going to be better than what we get right now

2k7 stamo 2k7 said...

dae yae git tae blow stuf up

molz13 said...

hi i'm looking forward to high school but i'm still not sure where i'm going

mannythecool said...

hey bit scared about getting lost

hannah2013 said...
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the little man said...

the old buildins falling a part

cool kazzy said...

i'm looking forward to going to highschool but unfortanly i shall not be coming up to cathkin.

Green_elephant said...
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mannythecool said...


mcintyre said...

going to uddingston all friends going to cathkin scared not to be able to make new friends other than that I am looking foward to art,science

coolkat said...

I am not going 2 cathkin. I gone 2 uddingston i hope make friends.

wee kyle said...

how do u get onto the football team

anonymous said...

I am worried incase I get lost

wee gram said...

i wont see my pals alot but ill still see them.mearns on wednsday and a friday school finishis at 2:30..........sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

wee_alisha said...

hiya im alisha i am realy scared to come up to cathkin because i am realy small and i think i will get lost alot af the time but i think i will make alot of friends and i am looking forword to comming up to cathkin.

by alisha quinn

weeducie said...

the old biulding is falling down 2k7

2k7 stamo 2k7 said...

cant wait to go to the new school because we are going to get more subjects

Wee H4 said...

how do u get into the football team

The Devils Eyes said...

what do you have to do to get into the football team?

JackM_2k7 said...

Cant wait to go to Cathkin if i am going bk i am moving house in march

elizabethmac said...
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W33 R4CH0 P33 XxX said...

hiya cant wait to go up to high school!!! but am a wee bit scared and dont want homework not to excited about maths XxX bye bye xXx

Shadow Lucius said...

dae you get lots ae tests

W33-4L4NN4H 41CH XxX said...

hiyah i cant wait to come up to cathkin!!but i am really scared incase i get lost. but a dont want any homwurk.I am a wee bit exsited
about doing maths and scince XxX bye XxX

Wee H4 said...
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the little man said...

i am quite worried to go up because i wantto be in a class with ma pals

satan said...

I am looking forword to more p.e.

The Devils Eyes said...

i cant wait for more p.e

Anonymous said...

lookin foward tae cathkin goin tae get lost but

mannythecool said...
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X.w33-j0j0.X said...

hiya am lookin forward to comming up to cathkin so i can see all of the other people i all ready know

Wee H4 said...

Snowboardind yas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the little man said...

am cool and so is cathkin

satan said...

how do you get in the football team

X.w33-j0j0.X said...

hiya ppl hw ur u a canny wait tae go tae cathkin

wee gram said...
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the little man said...
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shannon?! said...

hi im going to cathkin i dont know if my friends are going

mcintyre said...

SCARED OF GETTING LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

frazz said...

a canny wait to leave primary. high scool sounds much better
bit am no gone tae cathkin am gone tae stonlaw but cathkin sounds good

coolkat said...

hi becca cool name.

J christie .r.f.c. said...

i am looking forword to be coming to cathkin i want to get in to the school team but how do u get in to it

J christie .r.f.c. said...
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Shadow Lucius said...

dae you get lost in cathkin?

wee_alisha said...
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cool kazzy said...
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Shadow Lucius said...

how much hamwork

spiderwick said...

I am worried incase I get lost

mannythecool said...
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Wee H4 said...

Cathkin yas!

mark said...

im not looking faword to cumin up because of the homework

erin said...

am not looking forward to cathkin because you always get lost

!!..kieran..!! said...

looking forward to cathkin it sounds alright

jordan garvie said...


marcus said...

I am looking forward to the different types of subjects that the teachers teach you at Cathkin High School.

shelby said...

hi i cant wait to go to cathkin for the pool or cooking !!!!!! YESS YESS BYE FOR NOW SEE YOU

!Rusco! said...

looking forward to doing science and scared in case i get lost

lisa said...
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panda said...

I am looking forward to cathkin because i cant wait to join the football club because u go to Valencia and Villareal.cant wait to see you there bye.


andrew said...

im looking forward too cathkin all the subjects and im going to hate getting lost, like the website

!Rusco! said...
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sarah said...

cant wait to go to cathkin!!!

scott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said...

cant wait to cathkin

jack2007 said...

!!awrite!!looking forward to cathking n al the other classes like home eks but a fink that swimming will be pure boring
!!jack stirlin!!

raymond said...
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panda said...
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jack2007 said...
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jack2007 said...
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!Rusco! said...
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raymond said...

awryt canny wait tae go tae cathkin 2k7 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yassss yasss

caz said...

i am looking forward to playing football and rugby

Cathkin high school said...

Its nice to read all of your posts and I'm glad you all enjoyed your chance to access this blogsite today at West Coats and James Aiton schools.I really enjoyed working with you and look forward to seeing many of you at Cathkin in August.
To answer a couple of your concerns...

1. No first years get a 'doin' at cathkin. I don't know where you heard this but its just not true. We take a very dim view of behaviour such as this and I can assure you that it just does not happen. We look after all our pupils here at Cathkin, especially new first years. You will find all of the staff and pupils go out of their way to help the 'newbies' each year.

2. Most subjects set weekly homework, but you won't find this to be a problem as long as you are organised... as Mrs Cox says...use your homework diaries. You might find that you actually enjoy the homework !

Ms Richards - Science.

ghess who said...
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Molly 2k7 said...
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Its a secret..! said...
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verdf said...
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wits ure name said...
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2k7 x secret x 2k7 said...
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wits ure name said...
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2k7 x secret x 2k7 said...
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verdf said...
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verdf said...
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rocky_2k7 said...

hi lookin frwrd 2 cafcin


2k7 x secret x 2k7 said...
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EMERALD said...
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EMERALD said...
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wits ure name said...
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verdf said...
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EMERALD said...
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rocky_2k7 said...

hi lookin frward 2 cafkin

EMERALD said...
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rocky_2k7 said...
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verdf said...
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verdf said...
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EMERALD said...
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verdf said...
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wits ure name said...
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verdf said...
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rocky_2k7 said...
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verdf said...
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EMERALD said...
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2k7 x secret x 2k7 said...
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2k7 x secret x 2k7 said...
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verdf said...
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lucy..x said...
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rocky_2k7 said...
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w33 biscit luvin sexy molly said...
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EMERALD said...
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wits ure name said...
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rocky_2k7 said...
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verdf said...
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2k7 x secret x 2k7 said...
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EMERALD said...
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ghess who said...
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EMERALD said...
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verdf said...
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wits ure name said...
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rocky_2k7 said...
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EMERALD said...
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rocky_2k7 said...
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wits ure name said...
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EMERALD said...
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w33 biscit luvin sexy molly said...
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EMERALD said...
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2k7 x secret x 2k7 said...
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w33 biscit luvin sexy molly said...
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rocky_2k7 said...
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Its a secret..! said...
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rocky_2k7 said...
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wits ure name said...
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wits ure name said...
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verdf said...
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weird said...
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weird said...
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Mrs Cox said...

This is a site for people to leave comments about the move to Cathkin is NOT an instant messaging site. We will follow up on those posters who misuse this site. Remember....we have your e-mail and IP address. Enjoy this site and use it responsibly.

marcus said...

Hi everybody, i bet you all cant wait to go to cathkin high school, because i certainly cant. When we go to cathkin on our first day we will probably be shaking like leaves because not only are we go to be mingling with new and different people but for the last year we have have all been at the top of the school and now we have to start at the bottom all over again. I dont know about everyody else but to me that sounds wierd.

marcus said...

Mrs Cox . One of the names from the talent scout from james aiton's information sheet has accidently been excluded. If its not to late and not to much bother could you please return i back to the school. sorry for any inconvenience.

Anonymous said...

Im looking forward too cathkin,
Cant wait!!

Drummondr said...

You Probably Won't get lost. thats why the day visits are there..

Anonymous said...

I Like Science And Tech
I hate MATH! and SPELLING!
But the worst is HOMEWORK!! >:[